Scientific programme chairs Jörg Franke (Magdeburg, Germany), Tim Pigott (Liverpool, UK) and Christoph Siepe (Munich, Germany), together with the local host Frank Kandziora (Frankfurt, Germany) cordially invite delegates to EUROSPINE’s Spring Specialty Meeting 2020 in Frankfurt. Thanks to the excellent feedback received from more than 150 participants from a large number of countries who attended the previous meeting, Frankfurt was again chosen as the host city, easily accessible from all across the globe.
The format was well perceived and will be carried on for the upcoming meeting as it enables intense debates and exchange of knowledge, something that the delegate feedback demonstrated was very important.
The meeting will be organised in cooperation with our friends at the local German Spine Society (DWG) and the international spine society AOSpine, helping bring the programme together to discuss some of the difficult topics in spinal practice, such as metastatic disease, radiology and lumbar degenerative scoliosis.
The Organising Committee, represented by the scientific programme chairs and the local host, assure delegates that “there will be ample opportunity for discussion and each session will include a case discussion relevant to that topic”, making this forum a unique educational opportunity in the field. Several hundred participants from many countries are expected to gather with their colleagues to exchange knowledge, skills and the latest advances in research and clinical findings in order to improve patients’ treatment and ensure the best possible spine care.
EUROSPINE’s mandate is to promote improvements in patient care and foster lifelong learning and research. The excellent feedback received through the delegates’ survey decisively strengthens EUROSPINE’s commitment and effort to establish Spring Specialty Meetings as an essential part of the annual education programme.
The hosting city of Frankfurt is known as an international business hub and gateway to central Germany. The social programme will showcase the best the destination has to offer and will provide attendees with a chance to establish new contacts and deepening existing ones.
We are really excited and look forward to sharing two exciting days with our delegates and hope that you will enjoy networking and learning from the best in spine.
30 April – 1 May 2020
EUROSPINE Spring Specialty Meeting
Location: Frankfurt
W: www.eurospinemeeting.org