The Ziehm Vario 3D provides enhanced imaging precision in surgical procedures. It has a unique motorised variably isocentric C-arm and can be used as a conventional mobile C-arm when 3D imaging is not required.
3D volumes and CT-like slices are produced and can be interfaced with other intra-operative imaging and navigation systems.
The system has been designed in close collaboration with orthopaedic and neurosurgeons and is no larger than other compact Ziehm C-Arms. It is fully compatible with Computer Aided Surgery (CAS) and Picture Archiving & Communication Systems (PACS).
Direct Digital Image Stitching
Image Stitching for Digital Radiography (DR) is easy and quick to use. It is particularly beneficial in spinal imaging and orthopaedics.
It provides a digital replacement for film-based long leg, long spine and other large area views requiring the seamless joining of more than one image. Accurate electronic measurements of lengths and angles can be obtained and the images and data stored electronically for fast, efficient recall.